
Easy Way to Make Gluten-Free Chapati Flour at Home

Easy Way to Make Gluten-Free Chapati Flour at Home


Gluten-Free Chapati

Be it due to celiac disease or gluten intolerance or even a personal preference to avoid gluten, therapeutic or gluten-free diets are the in-thing nowadays. Such problems may include enjoyment in meals such as chapati (or roti) which, regrettably for enjoying gluten free, are constructed entirely out of wheat flour predominantly where wheat is used. It is okay, you will still be able enjoy this basic food! With some few ingredients, you can simply combine to create your own ready- to- cook gluten free chapati flour, which can be used to produce soft, stretchy, mouth-watering chapatti. This blog post will walk you through the easy steps of making gluten-free chapati flour at home, using ingredients that are readily available in the U.S., UK, Canada, Europe as well as the rest of the countries.

Chapatis without gluten: Why?

Chapatti is the most ubiquitous staple in many kitchens particularly in South Asia, and yet it is made from glutenous seed flour. Turmeric – the yellow-orange spice common in Indian cuisine – like wheat contains gluten and in the same way people who have celiac disease or are gluten intolerant cannot cook with wheat. Consequently, many gluten-free flour mixtures that are commercially available do not hold up for flatbreads as most tend to be meant for baking only and crumbling and soft in consistency. For that reason, you are always assured of the best type of gluten-free chapatti flour suitable for making thin, soft and tasty chapatis when prepared from home.


To make chapati flour that does not contain gluten, it will be necessary that you purchase a variety of flour and starches that imitate the characteristics and features of common wheat flour. Here’s such a recipe. You can cook these recipes with a quiet heart.

Base Ingredients of Gluten-Free Chapati flour:

·         2 cups sorghum flour (joar ka aata)

·         1 cup ground rice

·         1/2 cup flour made of tapioca

·         1/2 cup flour made of chickpeas (besan)

·         1/4 cup starch of potato

·         1 teaspoon of xanthan or guar

Optional Ingredients:

·         1 tablespoon flaxseed meal

·         1 teaspoon salt



This recipe generally makes about 4 cups of gluten-free chapati flour which should be good for 10-12 chapatis depending on the size.


Step 1: Measure and Mix

1.         Take a bigger bowl and add the required amount of each flour and starch: 2 cups of sorghum flour, 1 cup of rice flour, half a cup of tapioca flour, half a cup of chickpea flour and a quarter cup of potato starch.

2.         Add 1 tsp of xanthan gum (or guar gum) to combine the ingredients and allow the dough to properly bind.

3.         In case you are adding any optional ingredients such as flaxseed meal or salt, do that at this point.

Step 2: Whisk the Mixture

4.         Using a whisk, break up and mix all the components in the bowl so that the flours and starches evenly blend.

Step 3: Store the Flour

5.         After mixing, the flour can be placed in a vacuum-sealed bag or a jar as its storage option. The flour can be stored in an appropriate place for a maximum period of 2 months.


Now that the gluten-free chapati flour is ready, let us discuss the process of making chapatis using this flour.

Chapati Dough Ingredients:

·         2 cups gluten free Chapati flour

·         3/4 cup warm water

·         1 tablespoon olive oil or ghee

·         A pinch of salt


Procedure for Preparing Gluten-Free Chapatis:

·         Prepare the dough.

·         Lightly knead the dough.

·         Rest the dough for 15 minutes.

·         Form balls with the dough, and roll out each one into a thin circle called chapati.

·         Place the chapati on the hot girdle and cook for 1-2 minutes on both sides.

·         Serve chapatis hot.

Total Calories Each Indian unleavened flatbread made with this flour mix has around:

·         Calories: 120 kcal

·         Carbohydrates: 22g

·         Protein: 3g

·         Fat: 2g

·         Fiber: 2g

All About This Recipe Why People Would Like This Recipe

·         It Is Simple To Prepare.

·         it tastes like a regular chapati.

·         Anything can be made in any season.

·         Healthy.

·         Can Be Eaten At Any Time Of The Day.

·         Guilt-free Frozen Ones.

 Gluten-Free Lifestyle Video Guide

Serving Suggestions This gluten-free chapati flour can be used to make chapatis that can be served with:

·         Lentils (dal)

·         Vegetable curries

·         Grilled or roasted meats

·         Dips made of yogurt

·         Hummus and other spreads

Final Thoughts

Preparing gluten-free chapati flour at your own kitchen is simple which makes you enjoy one of the favorite dishes across many regions without the worry of gluten. This flour mixture yields soft and pliable roti that are quite elastic and do not tear when rolled out for cooking making it possible to enjoy the delicious experience of a chapatti. No matter whether you are residing in the United States, UK, Canada, or even Europe, the ingredients required for this gluten free flour blend can be easily found from the market which makes it such a gluten-free recipe that can be enjoyed by all gluten-free dieters across the world. Try this recipe, and you will be making fresh gluten-free chapatis at home in a short while!
